Elegy for He Who Was, Elon Musk

In the solemn realm of remembrance, I gather my opinions to pay homage to a figure who once stood tall and respected amongst us; yet now, I believe, has fallen into the chasm of obnoxious transgressions. Once revered, now repulsed; once loved, now loathed; I trace the arc of this being's existence, from glory to ignominy, with a heavy heart and a mourning soul.  This reflective discourse is a personal journey through the shifting sands of admiration for a public figure once held in high esteem. This composition is not a rallying cry to change minds, nor a clandestine attempt to tarnish reputations. It is but an honest reflection, an exploration of sentiments altered.

If my respectful approach may chafe against your sensibilities, you are cordially entreated to journey onwards, leaving these words untouched by your gaze.

Join me as we embark on this melancholic journey, an elegy for a lost paragon, now remembered only for the great shadows his deeds once cast, now reviled for the diarrhea of speech that he is entirely entitled to spew.


Once hailed with honor, now cast to the side,
A figure we respected, in whom we confide.
A beacon of virtue, now shrouded in vice,
A soul once warmed by sun, now cloaked in ice.

Through the corridors of power, you strode with might,
In halls of knowledge, you were a guiding light.
Words of wisdom from your lips, like honeyed wine,
Yet, now they sour, no longer do they shine.

A moral compass, steadfast, strong and true,
But, alas, a change, a course askew.
The whispers grew louder, the rumors took hold,
Of actions unbecoming, of a heart grown cold.

Your deeds of valor, now stained with disgrace,
The mirror reflects a stranger in your place.
No longer a hero, nor a trusted guide,
Your honor lost, in vanity and pride.

From the pedestal of reverence, you have fallen,
The echoes of your past, now rotten, sullen.
In the annals of time, your tale is now told,
A legacy tarnished, a spirit once bold.

Yet, in this tragic fall, a lesson we discern,
A reminder stark, for all who yearn.
Power and pride, unchecked, can blind,
Beware the fall, be humble, be kind.

Rest now, fallen one, in your bitter sleep,
May time heal the wounds, may your secrets keep.
Once a symbol of respect, now a cautionary tale,
A ship once mighty, now lost, adrift, and frail.

In this reflective journey, I've navigated the turbulent seas of respect lost and the bitter taste of disappointment. I've echoed my opinionated lamentations through the elegy, a poignant reminder of the transient nature of esteem and the indelible scars left by disgusting social transgressions. As I conclude, let it be a solemn reminder to us all that even the loftiest of figures can fall, that character and conduct hold their sway beyond temporary accolades. Let it serve as a call to vigilance and integrity, that we may learn from this narrative of fallen grace, and strive to uphold the values that truly define us. For, in the end, it is not the applause that echoes in grand halls, but the quiet whispers of our deeds that truly shape our legacy.


Pragmatic Journey is Richard (rich) Wermske's life of recovery; a spiritual journey inspired by Buddhism, a career in technology and management with linux, digital security, bpm, and paralegal stuff; augmented with gaming, literature, philosophy, art and music; and compassionate kinship with all things living -- especially cats; and people with whom I share no common language.