Tolstoy - The Death of Ivan Ilyich

Dive into the profound narrative sea of "The Death of Ivan Ilyich" by Leo Tolstoy, where every word echoes the cold, inevitable truth of mortality. Our critique unveils the rich tapestry of existential contemplation and the stark reality of societal superficiality within Tolstoy's masterpiece. Engage with a review that sails through the solemn yet enlightening voyage of Ivan Ilyich, exploring the depths of life’s ephemeral nature against the eternal silence of death. Discover why this narrative remains an unyielding mirror to our own existence.

Dick - Beyond Lies the Wub

In the veiled and shadowy realm of science fiction, few stars burn as fiercely or as enigmatically as the mind of Philip K. Dick. A master of the bizarre and the unsettling, Dick’s pen sketches realms unknown yet eerily familiar, with "Beyond Lies the Wub" being no exception to his morbidly curious exploration of the human psyche. The tale unfolds on the rusty Martian plains, where a peculiar creature, the Wub, becomes the unbidden guest aboard a human spaceship, setting the stage for a narrative that is both grotesque and philosophically tantalizing.

Lovecraft - The Slaying of the Monster

In the shadowy realm of Lovecraftian literature, "The Slaying of the Monster," a collaboration between H.P. Lovecraft and R.H. Barlow, emerges as a tale of grotesque horror and profound regret. The narrative unfurls in an ancient, forsaken castle, where a monstrous entity is rumored to dwell. A band of hunters, driven by fear and ignorance, embark on a perilous quest to exterminate this creature, only to discover the tragic truth too late. The 'monster' they sought to destroy was, in fact, a grotesquely deformed man, living in solitude and despair. The hunters' remorse echoes in the chilling winds of the castle, a haunting testament to their misguided actions.

Lovecraft - The Hoard of the Wizard-Beast

Among the manifold works of H.P. Lovecraft, the master of cosmic horror and weird fiction, there is one that stands out as a curious and anomalous specimen: a tale of whimsy and irony, co-authored with his youthful friend R.H. Barlow. This story, unlike most of Lovecraft’s tales, is a humorous and ironic parody of the typical fantasy adventure, in which a greedy and ambitious wizard-auditor named Yalden seeks to plunder the treasure of a mysterious and powerful necromancer named Anathas. This review will examine the story’s origins, themes, symbolism, reception, and significance.

Lovecraft - Old Bugs

"Old Bugs" by H. P. Lovecraft is a short story that stands out among the author's oeuvre as a rare example of humor and self-parody. Written in 1919, but not published until 1959 by Arkham House, the story is a satirical account of the downfall of a former scholar and poet who succumbs to alcoholism and drug addiction. The story is also a thinly veiled warning to Lovecraft's friend Alfred Galpin, who had expressed a desire to try alcohol before the onset of Prohibition. Lovecraft, a staunch teetotaler, wrote the story as a way of dissuading Galpin from indulging in such vices, and even included a photograph of Galpin's former fiancée Eleanor Wing as a symbol of his lost love and potential.

Lovecraft - The Mysterious Ship

Among the many works of Howard P. Lovecraft, one stands out as a peculiar and perplexing piece of fiction: "The Mysterious Ship." This is tale of dread and existential horror. It is a tale that exists in two versions, a long and a short form, each with its own nuances and implications. This review delves into the depths of this tale, exploring its symbolism, acknowledging its criticisms, and comparing it to Lovecraft's broader oeuvre. Drawing upon the insights of renowned scholars, this comprehensive review seeks to illuminate the story's place within Lovecraft's body of work.

Lovecraft - The Mystery of the Grave-Yard

Today, I explore Lovecraft's work called "The Mystery of the Grave-Yard," alternatively known as "A Dead Man’s Revenge." It's a dark story that lingers in the recesses of the mind. This review embarks on an expedition into the depths of this lesser-known tale, unraveling its symbolism, acknowledging its critiques, and contextualizing it within Lovecraft's broader oeuvre. Drawing upon the illuminating insights of distinguished scholars, our journey seeks to shed light on this narrative's haunting place within Lovecraft's tapestry of tales.

Lovecraft - The Secret Cave

In the shadowy realm of Howard Phillips Lovecraft's literary cosmos, "The Secret Cave" or "John Lees Adventure" stands as a chilling narrative of horror and dread. This review delves into the depths of this lesser-known tale, exploring its symbolism, acknowledging its criticisms, and comparing it to Lovecraft's broader oeuvre. Drawing upon the insights of renowned scholars, this comprehensive review seeks to illuminate the story's place within Lovecraft's body of work.



Pragmatic Journey is Richard (rich) Wermske's life of recovery; a spiritual journey inspired by Buddhism, a career in technology and management with linux, digital security, bpm, and paralegal stuff; augmented with gaming, literature, philosophy, art and music; and compassionate kinship with all things living -- especially cats; and people with whom I share no common language.