Trump Exhaustion

In this tumultuous epoch of political discord, a strange and insidious malady has taken hold of our collective consciousness. It is a spectral shadow, a haunting apparition that lingers in the minds of many. It has been given a name - "Trump Exhaustion." This ominous term is used to describe a peculiar kind of mental fatigue, a weary lassitude induced by the incessant barrage of news, controversies, and vitriolic rhetoric associated with the figure of former President Donald Trump.

This phenomenon transcends the conventional boundaries of political allegiance, afflicting individuals across the broad spectrum of public opinion.

The dangers of Trump Exhaustion are manifold, creeping into the psyche with silent stealth. It can lead to a state of desensitization, a numbing indifference to the pressing issues of our times. The constant inundation of sensational news has the potential to dull the senses, to rob us of the ability to react with appropriate concern or critical thought.

Furthermore, this malaise can give rise to a dangerous form of apathy. The ceaseless controversy and discord can become overwhelming, leading some to disengage from political discourse entirely. This abdication of civic responsibility poses a grave threat to the democratic process, for it is through informed debate and active participation that a democracy thrives.

If one finds oneself in the clutches of Trump Exhaustion, fear not, for there are avenues of escape. One might consider a temporary retreat from the constant hum of news media, a respite to allow the mind to recover from the relentless onslaught. Engage in activities that nourish the soul and replenish the spirit. Read a book, walk in nature, immerse oneself in art or music.

Moreover, consider diversifying your sources of information. Seek out balanced and impartial news outlets, engage with opposing viewpoints in a respectful manner. This can serve to broaden one's perspective and foster a more nuanced understanding of the issues at hand.

In conclusion, Trump Exhaustion, though a formidable specter, is not an insurmountable foe. With mindfulness and intentional action, we can mitigate its effects. We can choose to step back, to replenish, to diversify our understanding. In doing so, we fortify our mental resilience, ensuring our continued engagement with the political discourse in a manner that is productive, informed, and balanced. It is within our power to dispel the shadow of Trump Exhaustion, to reclaim our mental space, and to engage with our world with renewed vigor and discernment.


Pragmatic Journey is Richard (rich) Wermske's life of recovery; a spiritual journey inspired by Buddhism, a career in technology and management with linux, digital security, bpm, and paralegal stuff; augmented with gaming, literature, philosophy, art and music; and compassionate kinship with all things living -- especially cats; and people with whom I share no common language.