Hero Archetype - Elements of Construction

Embarking upon an exploration into the intricacies of narrative architecture, this essay delves into the figure of the 'Hero', a construct towering amidst our collective stories, reflecting our hopes, fears, and triumphs. With Jung, Campbell, and Vogler as guiding torches, we traverse the stages that mold the 'Hero' and their journey, reflecting the mirrored echoes of our own life sagas.

In the palatial edifice of human narrative, the 'Hero' stands tall as an embodiment of our collective aspirations, fears, and victories. A study of this archetype, seen through the lenses of Jung, Campbell, and Vogler, reveals a series of constructs that mold and shape the 'Hero' and the 'Hero's Journey'. These constructs, each a rivet in the narrative arc, are the sinews that bind the hero's tale - from the humble origins to the climactic 'The End'.

I. The Ordinary World and the Call to Adventure

The 'Hero' is born in the soil of the ordinary world - a landscape of familiarity that echoes the rhythm of our everyday lives. Whether it's the peaceful Shire of Tolkien's Middle-Earth or the bustling Metropolis of DC comics, the hero's ordinary world serves as the canvas upon which their extraordinary journey will be painted.

But within the cadence of the commonplace stirs a disquiet, a ripple - the Call to Adventure. It is the gust that unsettles the tranquility of the hero's world, the catalyst that will thrust them into the whirlwind of their journey. This call may come in many forms: a message, a dream, a loss. It sets the stage for the drama to unfold, signaling the initiation of the hero's transformation.

II. Refusal of the Call and Meeting with the Mentor

In response to the Call to Adventure, there often comes a Refusal of the Call. The hero, confronted with the prospect of leaving the comfort of the known, may balk, hesitate, or outright refuse. This refusal underscores the hero's initial reluctance to embrace the challenges of the journey, echoing our own fears and reservations in the face of change.

Yet, guidance arrives in the form of the Mentor. The Mentor, a seasoned traveler of the path that the hero must tread, provides wisdom, training, and sometimes a vital tool for the upcoming journey. In the mentor, the hero, and indeed we, find reassurance and courage to confront the unknown.

III. Crossing the Threshold and the Road of Trials

Crossing the Threshold signifies the hero's decisive step from the ordinary world into the realm of the unknown - a world fraught with challenges, adversaries, and trials. This crossing marks a pivotal transition in the hero's journey - a commitment to confront whatever lies ahead.

The Road of Trials, a series of tests that the hero must endure, sharpens the hero's mettle, molds their character, and brings their hidden strengths to the fore. These trials are the furnace that forges the hero, tempering their spirit and readying them for the greater challenges that lie ahead.

IV. The Ordeal and the Reward

The hero eventually confronts The Ordeal, a critical juncture where they face their greatest fear. Often a life or death crisis, the ordeal offers an opportunity for the hero to overcome their darkest moments, an echo of our individual and collective battles with our deepest fears.

Emerging victorious from the ordeal, the hero attains The Reward. This reward, whether a tangible object or intangible boon like knowledge or reconciliation, signifies the hero's triumph over the ordeal.

V. The Return and Resolution

The hero, bearing the reward, embarks on The Return to their ordinary world. The return journey may not be without its trials, but the hero is now a changed being, capable of confronting these challenges.

Upon their return, the hero finds Resolution. They integrate their newfound wisdom into their ordinary world, using the reward to improve their world in some way. This resolution marks 'the end' of the hero's journey but leaves an opening for future adventures.

As we unfurl the scrolls of countless heroic narratives, we find these constructs reverberating through the ages, underscoring the timeless resonance of the 'Hero' archetype. From the humble beginnings in the ordinary world to the triumphant return, the hero's journey reflects our own voyage through life - a testament to our shared human experience.

These elements of construction are more than mere steps in a narrative arc. They symbolize our universal struggles, victories, and transformations. They are the echoes of our collective unconscious, the shared language of our dreams, the fabric of our cultural mythology. The Hero, thus, emerges not as a mere character in a tale, but as a mirror reflecting the depth and complexity of our human experience.

As we weave these elements into the tapestry of our narratives, we partake in a timeless tradition - a tradition that bridges cultures, that transcends time. We imbue our stories with a touch of the universal, a brushstroke of the eternal. In doing so, we honor the enduring power of the 'Hero' archetype and its capacity to inspire, to resonate, and to reflect our shared journey - the heroic journey of being human.

From the ordinary world to the triumphant resolution, each element in the construction of the 'Hero' and their journey holds a mirror to our individual and collective experiences. This understanding allows us not only to appreciate the 'Hero' archetype in all its richness and depth but also to recognize its timeless echoes in our own lives.


Pragmatic Journey is Richard (rich) Wermske's life of recovery; a spiritual journey inspired by Buddhism, a career in technology and management with linux, digital security, bpm, and paralegal stuff; augmented with gaming, literature, philosophy, art and music; and compassionate kinship with all things living -- especially cats; and people with whom I share no common language.