Ode to a Kitten's Tale

In the grand tapestry of life, "An Ode to a Kitten's Tale" weaves a narrative as tender as it is profound. It sings the song of a diminutive kitten, a creature of innocence and resilience, grappling with the enormity of a world that seems too large, too harsh. Yet, in the heart of despair, a guardian angel descends, silent and unseen, altering the course of this small life. A benevolent soul steps forth from the shadows, cradling the kitten into a world where love is the language spoken, where kindness is the air breathed. This narrative is not merely an ode to a kitten, but a hymn to humanity itself, a call to awaken the dormant kindness within us and extend our hands to those who stand alone. It is a testament to the transformative alchemy of compassion and a reminder of our shared heartbeat with every creature that walks, flies, or crawls upon this Earth.


Oh, to the tale of a kitten so small,
Who faced the world, against odds so tall.
In the face of hardship, it stood alone,
Its heart aching in a world so unknown.

A guardian angel, unseen, unheard,
Watched over the kitten, without a word.
In the darkest hour, when hope was lost,
The angel intervened, no matter the cost.

By grace divine, and timing just right,
The kitten was saved from its dreadful plight.
A kind soul appeared, as if on cue,
To give the kitten a life that's new.

In a home so warm, with love so pure,
The kitten found solace, a life secure.
With gentle hands and tender care,
Its wounds healed in the loving air.

New friends it found, in this haven so kind,
A family that loved, with an open mind.
The kitten, once lost, now had a home,
No longer in the harsh world to roam.

Oh, the joy of a tragedy turned 'round,
In the kitten's purrs, a soothing sound.
From suffering to solace, a journey so long,
In its new life, the kitten found it's song.

A testament to love, kindness, and grace,
The kitten found its rightful place.
In the warmth of a home, and hearts so wide,
The kitten's fears began to subside.

Let this tale be an outcry to lend,
To those in need, our helping hand extend.
Do not turn a blind eye, do not ignore,
For in kindness, we find treasures galore.

In every creature, great or small,
There's a heart that beats, that feels it all.
In compassion, we find a common thread,
A bond that holds, no matter what's ahead.

Let this ode to the kitten be a call,
To love, to care, to give your all.
For in the act of saving one,
A ripple of change is begun.

In this tale of hope, let us find,
A promise to the world, to be kind.
For in every life, however small,
There's a chance for love to conquer all.



Pragmatic Journey is Richard (rich) Wermske's life of recovery; a spiritual journey inspired by Buddhism, a career in technology and management with linux, digital security, bpm, and paralegal stuff; augmented with gaming, literature, philosophy, art and music; and compassionate kinship with all things living -- especially cats; and people with whom I share no common language.