Acceptance - Embracing Our Humanity

We all have thoughts and feelings that we sometimes wish we could get rid of. We may try to fight them, ignore them, or judge them, but they often come back stronger and more persistent. What if there was a better way to deal with them? A way that could bring us peace and harmony instead of conflict and suffering? In this blog post, we will explore the art of acceptance, a mindfulness practice that teaches us how to embrace our humanity and all its facets.

In the gentle embrace of mindfulness, we uncover a profound lesson—an art that is as ancient as the human heart itself—the art of acceptance. It beckons us to peer deep into the depths of our souls, to accept the mosaic of thoughts and feelings that dance within, whether they gleam like stars or murmur like shadows.

Dear seekers, what is this acceptance? It is not merely a passive surrender but a courageous acknowledgment of our very humanity. To be human is to traverse a labyrinth of thoughts, a medley of emotions. Within this intricate tapestry, negative thoughts, like fleeting rainstorms, are as natural as sunshine and as essential to our existence.

Imagine, if you will, a grand river. This river symbolizes the flow of consciousness—the ceaseless stream of thoughts and feelings that course through our minds. In our quest for inner peace, we sometimes attempt to dam this river, to suppress its currents, to deny its very existence. Yet, in doing so, we create a turbulence that rattles the soul. We embark on a battle against ourselves, and this, dear travelers, is a battle that cannot be won.

Consider, for a moment, the act of resisting or fighting against your own thoughts. It's akin to clasping a handful of sand, hoping to imprison each grain within your fist. The more you squeeze, the more the grains slip through your fingers, eluding your grasp. Likewise, the more we resist or fight against our thoughts, the more they persist, tenacious and unyielding.

Mindfulness whispers a different wisdom—a wisdom rooted in acceptance. It teaches us to unclench our fists, to let the river flow freely. By accepting our thoughts, regardless of their nature, we untangle the knots of inner conflict. This acceptance is not an endorsement but a recognition that within the human experience, darkness and light coexist. Like the earth that cradles both seed and thorn, we too harbor a myriad of thoughts, some luminous, some shadowed.

In this acceptance, there is liberation. When we cease to battle our thoughts, they lose their grip on our consciousness. In the gentle currents of acceptance, they dissolve like mist beneath the morning sun. They become ripples on the surface of our awareness, no longer tumultuous waves that threaten to engulf us.

So, my dear companions on this journey of self-discovery, let us embrace this profound art of acceptance. Let us acknowledge that to be human is to house a multitude of thoughts and feelings. In their acceptance, we find serenity, a tranquil river that carries us toward the shores of inner peace.

This is the sixth in this series on exploring the transformative power of mindfulness practices covering: Increased Awareness, Non-Judgmental Observation, Creating Space, Reduced Reactivity, Shifting Focus, Acceptance, Mindful Coping, and Emotional Regulation.


Pragmatic Journey is Richard (rich) Wermske's life of recovery; a spiritual journey inspired by Buddhism, a career in technology and management with linux, digital security, bpm, and paralegal stuff; augmented with gaming, literature, philosophy, art and music; and compassionate kinship with all things living -- especially cats; and people with whom I share no common language.