Creating Space - Liberation of Distance

In the theater of our minds, we often find ourselves caught in the relentless drama of thoughts. Yet, mindfulness extends to us a precious gift: the art of creating space. Imagine, if you will, a stage with a pause, a breath, a silence before the next act. This space is crucial, for it liberates us from being mere actors bound to a script. In this intermission, we gain the freedom to choose how we respond to the thoughts that parade before us, breaking free from the shackles of automatic reaction.

In the realm of mindfulness, we embark on a journey of profound transformation, a journey that beckons us to create space within the very fabric of our being. This mental space, a sanctuary of the soul, emerges as the chrysalis from which we emerge anew. It is in this sacred expanse that we discover the exquisite art of self-mastery.

Mental space, dear traveler, is akin to a serene meadow amidst the bustling chaos of daily life. It is the gentle pause between breaths, the hushed whispers amid the clamor. This space serves as the grand theater of your thoughts, where they parade forth, waiting for your discerning gaze. In this sanctuary, objectivity becomes your treasured companion. It is the looking glass through which you perceive your thoughts, unclouded by the distortions of judgment. Objectivity, like the purest crystal, refracts the light of understanding upon your inner landscape.

Consideration, in this sacred space, transcends the bounds of judgment. It is the ability to gaze upon your thoughts with the eyes of a compassionate witness, asking, "Are these thoughts worthy of my attention?" It is a question asked without condemnation, for in mindfulness, we cast aside the mantle of harsh judgment. It is here that the concept of non-judgmentalism unfurls its wings, for we neither cling to thoughts as cherished possessions nor reject them as vile intruders.

Choosing how to respond, within this expansive sanctuary, is akin to a gentle dance of grace. It is the sweet whisper of freedom, for in this space, we are liberated from the prison of automatic reactions. Automatic reactions, those chains that bind our spirit, are born of unconsciousness. They are knee-jerk responses, woven from the fabric of habit and conditioning, reactions that shackle us to patterns we may long to break free from.

Picture, if you will, a bird released from its cage, soaring to meet the boundless sky. In creating this space, we release ourselves from the prison of automatic reactions. We stand upon the precipice of choice, gazing into the vast realm of possibilities. No longer confined by the dictates of habit, we become the architects of our own destiny. Here, in the silence between stimulus and response, we discover our innate power—the power to choose our response.

This, dear traveler, is the gift of creating space through mindfulness—a gift that allows us to transcend the limitations of our conditioned existence, to dance with thoughts as they pass, and to embrace the profound freedom of choice.

This is the third in this series on exploring the transformative power of mindfulness practices covering: Increased Awareness, Non-Judgmental Observation, Creating Space, Reduced Reactivity, Shifting Focus, Acceptance, Mindful Coping, and Emotional Regulation.


Pragmatic Journey is Richard (rich) Wermske's life of recovery; a spiritual journey inspired by Buddhism, a career in technology and management with linux, digital security, bpm, and paralegal stuff; augmented with gaming, literature, philosophy, art and music; and compassionate kinship with all things living -- especially cats; and people with whom I share no common language.