Increased Awareness - Dawning of Inner Light

In this blog post I begin a series exploring the transformative power of mindfulness practices. Mindfulness fosters a heightened sense of awareness, making you more attuned to the thoughts that arise within your mind. Instead of being unconsciously consumed by negative thoughts, you develop the ability to recognize them as they begin to form. This awareness acts as a crucial first step because you can't change or manage something effectively if you're not even aware of it. When you start noticing negative thoughts early in their development, you have the opportunity to decide how to respond to them.

Mindfulness, beloved seekers of truth, is a beacon that illuminates the labyrinthine corridors of our minds. In its gentle glow, we find a profound awakening - the dawning of awareness. This awareness is the sentinel, the sentinel of our inner world, for how can we hope to navigate the intricacies of thought if we do not even recognize their existence? It is this keen awareness that forms the threshold of our transformation.

In the realm of mindfulness, awareness becomes the luminous beacon guiding our journey. It is the essence of consciousness, the gentle art of being fully present in the tapestry of existence. Awareness is the sacred mirror that reflects the symphony of thoughts, emotions, and sensations, without casting judgment or veiling our true selves. With mindfulness, we dance to the rhythm of each moment, and in that dance, we uncover the power of heightened awareness.

To "attune to arising thoughts" is to become harmoniously in tune with the melodies of our mind, to listen to the whispers and echoes of our innermost thoughts. It is the practice of gracefully observing thoughts as they emerge, like butterflies alighting on a petal, each thought a unique expression of our inner world. This attunement is our compass, allowing us to catch the earliest whispers of negativity before they gather strength.

Being "unconsciously consumed by negative thoughts" is akin to drifting in the depths of a turbulent sea, unaware of the currents that pull us further from our own shores. These negative thoughts, like uninvited guests, often enter without announcement, dictating the course of our emotional voyage. They hold dominion over our minds, guiding our actions and reactions like unseen puppeteers.

Awareness is not merely the first step; it is the cornerstone upon which we build the mansion of mindfulness. It is the gateway to transformation, for without awareness, change is but a distant dream. Through awareness, we embark on a profound journey:

Recognition: As we traverse this path, we first acknowledge the presence of a negative thought, an act filled with the tenderness of self-compassion. We gently name the thought, without reproach, whispering, "I notice a self-critical thought arising."

Observation: With recognition, we step into the role of an astute observer, watching the thought unfold like petals unfurling in the dawn's light. We are curious witnesses, keenly aware of the thought's texture and the emotions it weaves.

Non-Identification: The wisdom of mindfulness reminds us that these thoughts are not the essence of our being. We embrace the truth that they are transient visitors in the grand theater of our minds, not the playwrights of our destiny.

Response Choice: Through the alchemy of awareness, we gain the gift of choice. We become maestros, orchestrating our response to these thoughts. With grace, we decide whether to engage, to challenge, or to allow them to flutter away, like autumn leaves on a gentle breeze.

In this mindful journey, there is a sacred division—a line drawn between the self that births negative thoughts and the self that observes, a serene and unattached witness. The former, the "thinking self," crafts our thoughts, negative or otherwise, weaving them from the threads of our life experiences, beliefs, and conditioning. The latter, the "observing self," stands as the guardian of our sanctuary of mindfulness. It steps back from the thinking self, cradling these thoughts in an impartial embrace, understanding that they are ephemeral guests passing through our consciousness. It is the heart of mindfulness, the beacon of separation, reminding us that thoughts do not define the essence of our soul.

This is the first in this series on exploring the transformative power of mindfulness practices covering: Increased Awareness, Non-Judgmental Observation, Creating Space, Reduced Reactivity, Shifting Focus, Acceptance, Mindful Coping, and Emotional Regulation.


Pragmatic Journey is Richard (rich) Wermske's life of recovery; a spiritual journey inspired by Buddhism, a career in technology and management with linux, digital security, bpm, and paralegal stuff; augmented with gaming, literature, philosophy, art and music; and compassionate kinship with all things living -- especially cats; and people with whom I share no common language.