Invisible Sun

In the vast and unfathomable realms of the tabletop gaming landscape, there lies a creation that dares to plumb the depths of human consciousness and delve into the darkest corners of reality. This eldritch offering, birthed from the fevered mind of the esteemed Monte Cook, bears the ominous appellation of Invisible Sun. It is a tome of arcane knowledge, a chronicle of surreal landscapes, and a testament to the boundless potential of human imagination.

The world of Invisible Sun is a labyrinthine dreamscape, a twilight realm where the veil between the mundane and the fantastical is gossamer-thin. It is a place where the very fabric of reality is subject to the whims of strange and ancient forces, forces that threaten to unravel the tenuous threads of human sanity. The setting is one of cosmic wonder and existential dread, where the intrepid vislae, wielders of arcane powers, must navigate a tangled skein of secrets, lies, and shifting allegiances.


The game's mechanics, like the eldritch tomes of antiquity, are both arcane and innovative. They have been designed to facilitate a narrative of profound depth and emotional resonance, allowing players to fully inhabit their characters and explore the tortured recesses of their souls. This emphasis on storytelling creates an experience that transcends the confines of traditional role-playing games, drawing players into a world of limitless possibility and cosmic horror.

Character Creation

Invisible Sun's character creation process is a voyage into the unknown, a journey of self-discovery and transformation. Players craft their vislae from the raw stuff of dreams and nightmares, shaping them into unique and enigmatic beings that defy easy classification. The game's Path of Suns system, a cyclopean edifice of cryptic symbols and eldritch lore, guides characters through the trials and tribulations of their existence, providing a framework for growth and development that is both structured and flexible.


The world of Invisible Sun, like the fevered visions of a mad prophet, is suffused with an atmosphere of palpable dread and otherworldly beauty. Its surreal landscapes and bizarre inhabitants are brought to life by a rich tapestry of haunting imagery and evocative prose, creating a setting that is both deeply immersive and utterly unnerving. The game's physical components, like the sacred relics of a forgotten cult, are objects of exquisite craftsmanship and forbidden knowledge, adding to the overall mystique and allure of the experience.

The Actuality, the primary setting of Invisible Sun, is a realm where the impossible becomes possible, and the boundaries between the natural and the supernatural are forever blurred. The cities and landscapes of this strange and unsettling world are populated by creatures and beings that defy comprehension, their forms and motivations as inscrutable as the shifting patterns of the night sky. To traverse the Actuality is to enter a realm where the very laws of physics and causality are mutable, subject to the whims of unknown and unseen forces.

Throughout the vast, echoing halls of the Invisible Sun game, one will find a panoply of mysteries and conundrums, each more baffling and disquieting than the last. The game's narrative structure is designed to encourage a spirit of exploration and inquiry, rewarding those who dare to plumb the depths of its secrets with glimpses into the hidden heart of existence. This sense of discovery and revelation is a vital component of the Invisible Sun experience, fueling the narrative's momentum and keeping players engaged throughout its myriad twists and turns.

Supplements and Accessories

The Invisible Sun game also boasts a myriad of supplementary materials, each designed to enhance and expand upon the core experience. These ancillary texts and artifacts, like the forgotten scrolls of a lost civilization, contain a wealth of esoteric knowledge and hidden truths, waiting to be unlocked by those brave enough to seek them out. Among these additions are the Book M, a guide to the enigmatic realm of magic and its myriad manifestations; the Path of Suns, a tome detailing the intricate workings of the game's unique progression system; and the Gate, a compendium of strange and terrifying creatures that inhabit the shadowy corners of the Actuality.

The Sooth Deck, a vital component of the Invisible Sun experience, is a mysterious and potent artifact, imbued with the essence of the Actuality itself. It is through the use of this arcane tool that players and gamemasters alike can influence the course of the narrative, invoking the hidden powers that lurk within the fabric of reality. The Sooth Deck adds an element of unpredictability and mysticism to the game, deepening the sense of immersion and heightening the stakes for all involved.

What Does It Feel Like?

In the cold, unfeeling cosmos of the tabletop gaming world, few creations possess the power to evoke the same sense of wonder, terror, and awe as Invisible Sun. It is a game that transcends the boundaries of genre and convention, daring to ask the unanswerable questions and to explore the ineffable mysteries that lurk at the edges of human understanding. It is an experience that will leave players forever changed, their minds forever scarred by the dark and haunting visions that they have glimpsed within its pages.

The Invisible Sun game is not for the faint of heart or the weak of will. It demands a certain level of commitment and investment from its players, asking them to fully embrace its strange and unsettling world. However, for those who are willing to walk the Path of Suns and brave the terrors of the Actuality, the rewards are rich and myriad. It is an experience that will challenge the limits of the imagination and forever alter one's perceptions of the world and the nature of reality itself.


The Invisible Sun tabletop game by Monte Cook is a singular and unparalleled creation in the annals of role-playing history. It is a game of cosmic horror, existential wonder, and boundless imagination, a journey into the darkest recesses of the human soul and the furthest reaches of the cosmos. Its haunting imagery, intricate mechanics, and innovative narrative structure combine to create an experience that is both deeply immersive and profoundly transformative, a testament to the power of the human mind to create and explore worlds beyond the boundaries of the known. It is an offering that will forever stand as a monument to the art of tabletop gaming and a beacon to those who dare to seek the Invisible Sun.


Pragmatic Journey is Richard (rich) Wermske's life of recovery; a spiritual journey inspired by Buddhism, a career in technology and management with linux, digital security, bpm, and paralegal stuff; augmented with gaming, literature, philosophy, art and music; and compassionate kinship with all things living -- especially cats; and people with whom I share no common language.