Beast Within

In the depths of darkness and mystery, this macabre poem unravels the harrowing journey of a lone soul confronting an enigmatic and chilling entity. Embracing the eerie whispers and shadows, it delves into the complexities of human nature and the haunting truths that lie beneath the surface. Join this spine-chilling journey of introspection and fear, where secrets and truths intermingle, weaving an unforgettable narrative that explores self-discovery, the darkness within and the duality of self.

In darkness dwells a nameless dread,
A haunting fear, profound and spread,
Amidst the ancient, eerie gloom,
I tread the path to certain doom.

In shadowed depths where horrors hide,
I feel the presence, lurking beside,
A creature born of darkness deep,
Its eyes unblinking, secrets keep.

Its form unknown, a grotesque sight,
A terror born of darkest night,
In dampened caverns, it resides,
A monster with no known confines.

My trembling steps lead me astray,
In labyrinthine disarray,
For in this realm, all hope is lost,
A grim illusion tempts the most.

As dread and terror intertwine,
I know not if I'll e'er incline,
To leave this world of eerie fears,
Or be consumed by what appears.

The beast in darkness claims its prey,
In haunting whispers, seeks to sway,
But as I stare into its gaze,
I find my own dark soul ablaze.

For in the void, I see my core,
A truth I'd never known before,
The beast within, a part of me,
A mirror of my own decree.

In shadows deep, I am confined,
Bound to the beast within my mind,
And as I peer into the abyss,
I realize the beast is this.



Pragmatic Journey is Richard (rich) Wermske's life of recovery; a spiritual journey inspired by Buddhism, a career in technology and management with linux, digital security, bpm, and paralegal stuff; augmented with gaming, literature, philosophy, art and music; and compassionate kinship with all things living -- especially cats; and people with whom I share no common language.