Judicial Ethics - Supreme Court in Crisis

In the heart of the American legal landscape, where justice should shine as a beacon of truth, an unsettling cloud of doubt lingers, casting a pall over the integrity of the highest echelons of the judiciary. The Supreme Court stands as a symbol of the nation's highest ideals, safeguarding justice and upholding the Constitution. Its decisions reverberate through history, shaping the course of laws and lives. Unfortunately, the Supreme Court finds itself enshrouded in shadows. These shadows are not merely a play of light; they are the harbingers of a fundamental crisis that threatens to erode the very foundation of justice.


The concept of autocracy stands as a profound concern that shapes the course of societies. Autocracy, characterized by absolute power vested in a single individual or a select few, has far-reaching implications that span from human rights violations to societal disintegration and economic stagnation. This essay delves into the intricacies of autocracy, highlighting its forms, dangers, and ways to resist its encroachment.

The Judicial Conference

In the intricate tapestry of the United States judicial system, an unseen force shapes policies and decisions that resonate through courtrooms nationwide. The Judicial Conference of the United States stands as this guiding hand, an assembly of key figures weaving the fabric of justice itself. As an embodiment of wisdom and authority, its influence is paramount in maintaining fairness, efficiency, and accessibility within the federal courts.

I Expect Better From My Neighbor

In this stirring monologue, "I Expect Better From My Neighbor," we are confronted with the harsh realities of societal apathy and indifference. Drawing on the author's disgust at our society's race to the bottom, the despair at the inaction of so many, and the horror of fear driven social paralysis; the monologue delves into the heart-wrenching disappointment, rage, and despair felt towards those who turn a blind eye to injustice. It is a powerful call to action, a plea for empathy, and a damning indictment of our collective cowardice and failure to uphold the values of fairness, justice, and compassion.

Constitutional Interpretation

The United States Constitution is the bedrock of American democracy, providing the guiding principles and values that define our nation. However, interpreting this foundational document is not a simple task. It requires a deep understanding of legal theories and philosophical perspectives, each offering a unique way to view the Constitution. This complexity arises from the Constitution's broad language, its historical context, and the ever-evolving societal norms that influence its interpretation. This journey through the landscape of constitutional interpretation offers a critical perspective on a pivotal aspect of American democracy.

The Nature of Reality - Twelve Perspectives

"The Nature of Reality - Twelve Perspectives" is an insightful essay that explores the understanding of reality from the vantage point of twelve diverse belief systems. It delves into the unique perspectives of Atheism, Buddhism, Christianity, Confucianism, Hinduism, Indigenous Religions, Islam, Jainism, Judaism, Sikhism, Taoism, and Zoroastrianism. Drawing on a range of scholarly works, the essay examines the fundamental concepts, teachings, and philosophies of each belief system, offering a rich tapestry of insights into how these traditions comprehend the nature of reality. By delving into the diverse perspectives, the essay highlights the complexity, depth, and interconnectedness of human spiritual and philosophical traditions.

René Descartes, The Cartesian Legacy

This biography explores the life and work of René Descartes, one of the most influential figures in Western philosophy and science. Our discussion begins with his birth, continues with his education, military service, and travels across Europe. We discuss his groundbreaking contributions to philosophy, mathematics, and physics, including his development of Cartesian doubt, the Cartesian coordinate system, and mechanistic physics; all are examined in detail. The biography also delves into Descartes' personal life, his relationships, and the circumstances of his death in 1650. The narrative is enriched by a discussion of Descartes' posthumous reputation and the enduring influence of his ideas.

Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD)

This comprehensive essay explores the multifaceted nature of Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD), a mental health condition characterized by emotional instability, impulsivity, unstable relationships, and identity disturbance. The essay delves into the historical background, diagnostic criteria, prevalence, causes, and common misconceptions surrounding BPD. It further examines the symptoms, diagnostic process, and comorbidities associated with the disorder. The impact of BPD on interpersonal relationships and family life is explored, highlighting the challenges faced by family members and strategies for support.

Game Theory, An Introduction

This article provides an introduction to Game Theory, a mathematical framework for analyzing strategic interactions among rational decision-makers. It begins with a historical overview, followed by an explanation of the fundamental concepts and terminology. It then explores the purpose and applications of Game Theory across various fields. The article also pays homage to the luminaries of Game Theory and delves into its sub-disciplines. Finally, it concludes with a list of references and recommendations for further reading, catering to both mathematically adept readers and those with limited mathematical background.

Flat Earth Theory, Facepalm

The Flat Earth Theory, which posits that the Earth is a flat plane rather than a globe, has persisted for centuries. This essay explores the historical origins of the theory, the notable personalities who have supported it, and the arguments and evidence presented by proponents. It also examines the scientific evidence that overwhelmingly supports the Earth being a sphere and debunks the Flat Earth Theory. The essay concludes by reflecting on the historical significance of the Flat Earth Theory and its lack of scientific support.

What is a Trigger Warning?

Stop sign with social media in the background.This article provides a comprehensive exploration of trigger warnings, an increasingly common, yet debated, practice in content creation. It discusses the ethical necessity of these disclaimers in the context of traumatic materials, and highlights the arguments for and against their use. Detailed examples of different types of potential triggers are given, supporting creators in understanding and appropriately applying such warnings.

Is Buddhism a Fork from Hinduism

Buddhism can be seen as a "fork" from Hinduism in the sense that it emerged from the same cultural and religious context in ancient India, with Siddhartha Gautama, the historical Buddha, being born into a Hindu family. However, it is essential to recognize that Buddhism and Hinduism are distinct traditions with their own unique philosophies, practices, and goals. While they share some common elements and have influenced each other over the centuries, they have also diverged in several significant ways.

Venue in the United States Legal System

This comprehensive essay delves into the concept of venue within the United States legal system, exploring its multifaceted role in shaping the administration of justice. Beginning with an exploration of the definition and significance of venue, the essay elucidates the federal and state regulations that govern venue, with a particular focus on Florida's Chapter 47 of the Florida Statutes. It further examines the local regulations on venue and their interaction with state and federal laws.

Enigma of the Lunar Deception - A Study in Shadows

In the shadowy realm of human history, few events have stirred the collective imagination as profoundly as the purported landing of mankind on the moon's desolate surface. Yet, amidst the jubilation and awe, a sinister theory took root, whispering of deceit and illusion. This essay dares to tread the spectral corridors of the Moon Landing Hoax theory, a grand charade suggesting a cosmic pantomime staged to declare victory in the Space Race. Let's venture into the origins of this eldritch theory, shedding light on the conditions that gave birth to such a belief.

Identity - Unraveling 'Cisgender'

This essay provides an in-depth exploration of the term 'cisgender', a relatively recent addition to the lexicon of human identity. It begins with a clear definition of 'cisgender', tracing its etymological roots to the Latin prefix 'cis-'. The historical emergence of the term in academic discourse during the late 20th century is discussed, highlighting its role in challenging unspoken assumptions about gender norms. The essay further examines the expanding usage of 'cisgender' across various disciplines, including sociology, psychology, and linguistics.

The Teleological Argument

Let's explore the Teleological Argument, a philosophical proposition that posits the existence of a divine Designer based on the perceived order and complexity in the universe. Drawing from the works of notable proponents, the paper delves into the intricacies of the argument, its historical context, and its influence across various religious and philosophical domains.

The paper concludes with a reflection on the importance of critical thinking and open dialogue in discussions about the Teleological Argument.


Pragmatic Journey is Richard (rich) Wermske's life of recovery; a spiritual journey inspired by Buddhism, a career in technology and management with linux, digital security, bpm, and paralegal stuff; augmented with gaming, literature, philosophy, art and music; and compassionate kinship with all things living -- especially cats; and people with whom I share no common language.